Graphics Programs Reference
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We call errors generated during this phase compile-time errors or syntax errors . Compile-
time errors are typically misplaced semicolons, unbalanced square brackets ([]) or curly
ones ({}), spelling or capitalization errors.
These types of errors also occur when you use a class that hasn't been declared. To see an
example of a compile-time error, comment out the following line in Wheream-
iViewController.h :
// #import <CoreLocation/CoreLocation.h>
Build the application again, and the compile phase will fail. To see the problem up close,
click the icon to open the issue navigator or hit Command-4. This navigator shows you
any errors or warnings in your code ( Figure 4.17 ). You can click on an individual error to
see the line of code that generated the error.
Figure 4.17 Build results with compile-time error
Before you removed the import statement, the intermediate file created from Wheream-
iViewController.m contained the code from CoreLocation.h , which contained
the interface declaration for CLLocationManager and the protocol declaration for
CLLocationManagerDelegate . Without the import statement, these files do not be-
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