Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
Projects, Targets, and Frameworks
Let's look more closely at the what this new project actually is. A project is a file that con-
tains a list of references to other files (source code, resources, frameworks, and libraries) as
well as a number of settings that lay out the rules for items within the project. Projects end
in .xcodeproj , as in Whereami.xcodeproj .
A project always has at least one target. A target uses the files in the project to build a par-
ticular product. When you build and run, you build and run the target, not the project. The
product the target builds is typically an application, although it can be a compiled library or
a unit test bundle.
When you create a new project and choose a template, Xcode automatically creates a target
for you. When you created the Whereami project, you selected an iOS application template,
so Xcode created an iOS application target and named it Whereami .
In the project navigator, select the Whereami project (the item at the very top). Notice that
the Whereami project and the Whereami target are listed in the editor area. Select the
Whereami target to see the details and settings that define this target. We won't discuss all
of these now, but we'll come back to different ones throughout the topic as we need them.
From the choices at the top of the editor area, select Build Phases ( Figure 4.2 ). The target's
build phases are a series of steps, and these steps lead, in this case, to an iOS application.
Figure 4.2 Build phases of the Whereami target
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