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the low bias and the low variance is necessary, as demonstrated in Figure 3.17 on
the example of polynomial curve fitting of a set of given data points.
Figure 3.17. Polynomial curve fitting of data
A polynomial of degree n can exactly fit a set of ( n + 1) data points, say
training samples. If the degree of the polynomial is lower, then the fitting will not
be exact because the polynomial (as a regression curve A ) cannot pass through all
data points (Figure 3.17). The fitting will be erroneous and will suffer from bias
error , formulated as the minimized value of the mean square error. In the opposite
case, if the degree of the polynomial is higher than the degree required for exact
fitting of the given training data set, the excess number of it's degrees will lead to
oscillations because of missing constraints (curve B in Figure 3.17). The
polynomial approximation will, therefore, suffer from variance error .
Consequently, a polynomial of the optimal degree should be chosen for data fitting
that will provide a low bias error as well as a low variance error, in order to resolve
the bias-variance dilemma.
Translated in terms of neural network training, polynomial fitting is seen as an
optimal nonlinear regression problem (German et al. , 1992). This means that, in
order to fit a given data set optimally using neural network, we need a
corresponding model implemented as a structured neural network with a number of
interconnected neurons in hidden layer. If the size of the selected network (or the
order of its model) is too low, then the network will not be able to fit the data
optimally and the data fitting will be accompanied by a bias error that will
gradually decrease with increasing network size until it reaches its minimal value.
Increasing the network size beyond this point, the network will also start learning
the noise present in the training data, because there will be more internal
parameters than are required to fit the given data. With this, also the variance error
of the network will increase. The cross-point of the bias and the variance error
curve will guarantee the lowest bias error and the lowest variance error for fitting
the given data set. The corresponding network size ( i.e . the corresponding number
of neurons) will solve the given data fitting problem optimally. At this point the
network training should be stopped, which is known as early stopping or stopping
with cross-validation . The network trained in this way will guarantee the best
generalization .
For probabilistic consideration of polynomial fitting, the expected value of the
minimum square error across the set of training data
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