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described by the progressive wave in complex form:
Y ¼ A exp ð i
aÞ¼ A exp ½ 2
i ð kx n t Þ
ð 1
83 Þ
where A is the amplitude and
the phase of a monochromatic plane wave
of wavenumber k and frequency
, which propagates along x. Taking into
account the relations of De Broglie and Planck connecting wave-like and
particle-like behaviour:
h ;
k ¼
n ¼
ð 1
84 Þ
the phase of a matter wave could be written as
h ð px Et Þ
a ¼
ð 1
85 Þ
giving the wave equation for the matter particle in the form
h ð px Et Þ
Y ¼ A exp
¼ Yð x ; t Þ
ð 1
86 Þ
which defines
as a function of x and t at constant values of p and E. Then,
taking the derivatives of
with respect to x and t, we obtain respectively
@ x ¼
h @
@ x
h p Y
whence ) p ¼ i
ð 1
87 Þ
which is our first postulate (1.61) for the x-component of the linear
momentum, and
@ t ¼
h E Y
h @
@ t
whence ) E ¼ H ¼ i
ð 1
88 Þ
the time-dependent Schroedinger Equation (1.76) giving the time evolution
of the state function
. Hence, the two correspondences (1.87) and (1.88),
connecting linear momentum and total energy to the first derivatives of
the function
, necessarily implythe fundamental relationsoccurring inour
axiomatic proposition of quantum mechanics.
As a consequence of our probabilistic description, in doing experiments
in atomic physics we usually obtain a distribution of the observable
eigenvalues, unless the state function
coincides at time
t with the
w k of the corresponding quantum mechanical operator, in
which case we have a 100% probability of observing for A the value A k .
Such probability distributions fluctuate in time for all observables but the
energy, where we have a distribution of eigenvalues (the possible values of
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