Digital Signal Processing Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 4.1 The tutor2.gdf schematic uses the LCD module on the DE2 and UP3 boards to display an
8-bit counter value in hex. DE1 and UP2 boards use two seven-segment LED displays instead.
4.2 Open the tutor2 Schematic
After setting up the files in your directory, select File Open
Project drive :\ mydesigns \tutor2.qpf. Open the top-level schematic by
selecting File Open drive :\ mydesigns \tutor2.bdf (not tutor2.gdf) and a
schematic similar to Figure 4.1 should be displayed. This design has been
partially entered to save time. This is an 8-bit counter design that outputs the
counter value to a two digit hexadecimal display.
On the DE1 and UP2 version of the tutorial, you will see the counter value in
two seven-segment LED displays and the DE2 and UP3 boards will use their
LCD module.
Click on the lpm_counter0 symbol to activate the MegaWizard Plug-In
Manager. The MegaWizard seen in Figure 4.2 can be used to create and edit
megafunctions. In this case, you can see that lpm_counter0 is an 8-bit binary
counter that counts up. You can click on the documentation button and then
generate sample waveforms to view more details about the counter's operation.
You can create new functions with the MegaWizard using
Tools MegaWizard Plug-In Manager . Close the MegaWizard window to
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