Digital Signal Processing Reference
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selected. You may have to modify your initial selection based on availability and cost of
various memories. Justify your selection considering cost, specification, performance,
and availability. Don't forget that you need non-volatile memory to boot the system.
6. Given the SOPC system outlined in Problem 5, select the type and size of memory
needed for this system when program and data memory are separate. Justify your
selection considering cost, specification, performance, and availability. Compare the
single memory option from Problem 5 with the dual-memory option from this problem.
Which memory configuration is preferable? Justify your answer.
7. There are a number of different non-volatile memory technologies available to SOPC
designers. For a system with a 256 KB code footprint, compare the cost,
reprogrammability, configuration time, access time (reading only), and longevity for
PROM, EEPROM, and Flash memories.
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