Digital Signal Processing Reference
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7. Use the timing analyzer to determine the maximum clock rate for the ΜP 3 computer.
Using this value, compute the execution time for the example program in Figure 9.4.
8. Modify the video output display described in Chapter 9 for the MIPS computer example
to display the ΜP 3's internal registers. While running on the FPGA board, use the
pushbuttons for clock and reset as suggested in problem 5.
9. Add video character output and keyboard input to the computer, after studying the
material presented in Chapters 9 and 10.
10. Add the WAIT instruction to the simple computer model and verify with a test program
and simulation. WAIT value , loads and starts an 8-bit ten-millisecond (10 -2 second) timer
and then waits value*10 ms before returning to fetch for the next instruction. Use an
opcode of 10 for the WAIT instruction.
11. Expand the memory address space of the ΜP 3 computer from eight bits to nine bits.
Some registers will also need an additional bit. Use 512 locations of 16-bit memory.
Expand the address field by 1-bit by reducing the size of the opcode field by 1-bit. This
will limit the number of different instructions to 128 but the maximum program size can
now increase from 256 locations to 512 locations.
12. Modify the ΜP 3 computer so that it uses two different memories. Use one memory for
instructions and a new memory for data values. The new data memory should be 256 or
512 (see previous problem ) locations of 16-bit data.
13. Add a subroutine CALL and RETURN instruction to the ΜP 3 computer design. Use a
dedicated register to store the return address or use a stack with a stack pointer register.
The stack should start at high addresses and as it grows move to lower addresses.
14. Implement a stack as suggested in the previous problem and add instructions to PUSH or
POP register AC from the stack. At reset, set the stack pointer to the highest address of
data memory.
15. Add all of the instructions and features suggested in the exercises to the ΜP 3 computer
and use it as a microcontroller core for one of the robot projects suggested in Chapter 12.
Additional instructions of your own design along with an interval timer that can be read
using the IN instruction may also be useful.
16. Using the two low-bits from the opcode field, add a register address field that selects one
of four different data registers A, B, C, or D for each instruction.
17. Use the implementation approach in the ΜP 3 computer model as a starting point to
implement the basic instruction set of a different computer from your digital logic
textbook or other reference manual.
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