Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
undebug Disable debugging functions (see also 'debug')
vlan Configure VLAN parameters
write Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal
Exit privileged EXEC mode with the exit command.
Step 8.
Router# exit
The following output should be displayed:
Router con0 is now available
Press RETURN to get started.
Press Enter to enter user EXEC mode.
Step 9.
The Router> prompt should be visible.
Type an abbreviated IOS command.
Step 10.
IOS commands can be abbreviated, as long as enough characters are typed for the IOS to
recognize the unique command.
Enter only the character e at the command prompt and observe the results:
Router> e
% Ambiguous command: ā€œeā€
Enter en at the command prompt and observe the results:
Router> en
The abbreviated command en contains enough characters for the IOS to distinguish the
enable command from the exit command.
Press Ta b after an abbreviated command to use autocomplete.
Step 11.
Typing an abbreviated command, such as conf , followed by the Ta b key completes a par-
tial command name. This functionality of the IOS is called autocomplete . Type the abbre-
viated command conf , press the Ta b key, and observe the results:
Router# conf
Router# configure
This autocomplete feature can be used as long as enough characters are typed for the IOS
to recognize the unique command.
Enter IOS commands in the correct mode.
Step 12.
IOS commands must be entered in the correct mode. For example, configuration changes
cannot be made while in privileged EXEC mode. Attempt to enter the command hostname
R1 at the privileged EXEC prompt and observe the results:
Router# hostname R1
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
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