Java Reference
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￿ a = i--;
Make a equal to i and then decrement i by one.
￿ a = ++i;
Increment i by one and then make a equal to the new value of i .
￿ a = --i;
Decrement i by one and then make a equal to the new value of i .
Equivalent to a=a+b .
Equivalent to a=a/b .
Equivalent to a=a*b .
Equivalent to a=a-b .
Equivalent to a=a%b .
for(int i=0; i < n; i++)
Execute the body of the for loop n times.
Execute the body of the for loop
n times. The variable j starts at 0 and is incremented by 5 at every iteration of the
for(int i=0,j=0; i < n; i++,j+=5)
￿ while( condition ) {
Keep executing the body of the while loop until the
condition becomes false.
￿ do {
Keep executing the body of the loop until the
condition becomes false. The body of the do-while loop is always executed at least
} while( condition );
￿ some loop {
The break statement forces Java to stop executing
the loop and transfer control to the first line after the loop.
... break; ...
The continue statement forces Java to stop
executing the current iteration of the loop and proceed to the next iteration. If the
loop is a for loop, then the continue statement jumps to the third part of the for
loop. If the loop is a while or do-while loop, then control jumps to the condition of
the loop.
... continue; ...
some loop
a = 103%20
The value of the variable a will become equal to 3 because this is the
remainder when one divides the number 103 by 20.
Returns the length of the String s .
￿ s.charAt(3)
Returns the character at position 4 of the string s . Note that counting
starts at 0.
3.8 Important Points
1. All three loops are similar to an if statement. If the condition is true, then the body
is executed. The difference is that the body of an if statement is executed at most
once. The body of a while statement is executed 0 or more times. The body of a
do-while statement is executed 1 or more times.
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