Java Reference
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if (x > 3) {
else {
9. Consider the following code.
if ( true ) {
int i=3;
System. out . println ( i ) ;
What is the scope of the variable i ? Why will the program not compile? How can the
program be changed to compile.
10. Consider the following code.
int i=6;
if ( false )
System. out . println ( i ) ;
What will the program do? Why is the println line not part of the if statement?
11. Suppose x=3 and y=4 . Which of the following conditions are true.
(a) (x==3 && y >2)
(b) (x< 5 || y > 7)
(c) !(x>3) || (y > 4)
(d) !(x > 3 || y < 7)
12. Write a program that reads two strings from the keyboard and prints the largest
(relative to lexicographical order). Use the compareTo method to compare the strings.
2.12 Lab
Write a program that prints the following diamond.
The printed numbers are random digits between 0 and 9. In Java, Math.random() returns
a random double that is greater than or equal to 0 and smaller than 1. The method is
defined in the library java.math.* (use import java.math.* ) . Multiply this number by
something to get a digit between 0 and 9. Use int i = (int) d; to convert a double to
an int .
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