Java Reference
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int x=( int ) (Math . random ( ) 10) ;
int y=( int ) (Math . random ( ) 10) ;
Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System. in) ;
System. out . print (x + "*" +y+ "=" );
int z = keyboard . nextInt () ;
if (z == x y) {
System. out . println ( "Congratulations!" );
else {
System. out . println ( "You need more practice" );
Note how the start of a block and the closing brace at the end of the block should
be aligned. Remember that we can always select the Source - Format menu in NetBeans to
format our code.
2.4 Combining Conditions
Our next program calculates the grade of a student. It takes as input the student's
numerical grade and it converts it to a letter grade. Here is the algorithm that we will use.
1. Ask the user to enter grade as number.
2. Read the number in variable x .
3. Declare a variable grade .
4. If x> =90and x< = 100, then set grade to be equal to
5. If x> =80and x< 90, then set grade to be equal to
6. If x> =70and x< 80, then set grade to be equal to
7. If x> =60and x< 70, then set grade to be equal to
8. If x< 60, then set grade to be equal to
Steps 1-3 are easy. A possible implementation follows.
System. out . print ( "Enter numeric grade: " );
int x;
Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System. in) ;
x = keyboard . nextInt () ;
char grade ;
Next, we need to check if the grade is between 90 and 100. We can do this using two
nested if statements.
if (x
= 90)
if (x
= 100)
grade =
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