Java Reference
In-Depth Information
if (condition) {
} else {
FIGURE 2.6: The if-else construct.
TABLE 2 . 2 :
Java comparison
Meaning Example
3 == 3
> =
greater or equal
3 > =3
4 > 3
3 < 5
< =
smaller or equal
3 < =3
! =
5! = 3
The operators = and == are very different. For example, the statement i=3
assigns the value of 3 to the integer i . Conversely, the condition (i == 3) checks if
the value of i is equal to 3. Remember to never use a single equality inside a condition.
Inside a conditional statement, always use double equality.
The operator == returns true when the two operands are equal. Conversely, the oper-
ator != returns true when the two operands are distinct. For example, the last two lines of
our code can be rewritten as follows.
if (z != x y) {
System. out . println ( "You need more practice" );
else {
System. out . println ( "Congratulations!" );
Note that it is not required that an if statement has an else part; see Figure 2.7. For
example, the last two lines of our program can be rewritten as follows.
if (z == x
System. out . println ( "Congratulations!" );
return ;
System. out . println ( "You need more practice" );
The statement return simply terminates the method. A return statement inside the
main method terminates the program. Therefore, the last line of code in the above code
snippet will only be executed when z is different from x
y .The if-else construct may
become dicult to understand when there are multiple if and if-else statements nested
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