Java Reference
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import java .awt.geom. ;
class Square extends Rectangle2D .Double
private boolean isX = false ;
private boolean isO = false ;
public boolean isCharacter( char c)
if (c == 'x' )
return isX;
if (c == 'o' )
return isO;
return false ;
public void placeCharacter( char c)
if (c == 'x' )
isX = true ;
isO = false ;
if (c == 'o' )
isO = true ;
isX = false ;
public void clear()
isX = false ;
isO = false ;
public boolean hasValue()
return (isX ||
isO) ;
public Square( double x, double y, double dx , double dy)
super (x, y, dx, dy) ;
public void draw(Graphics2D g2 , Image xImage , Image oImage)
g2 . draw( super . getBounds2D() ) ;
if (isX) {
g2 . drawImage(xImage , ( int )getX()+1,( int )getY()+1,( int )
getWidth() 2, ( int )getHeight() 2, null );
if (isO) {
g2 . drawImage(oImage , ( int )getX()+1,( int )getY()+1,( int )
getWidth() 2, ( int )getHeight() 2, null );
The class keeps track of two Boolean variables that determine if the square is an X and
if the square is an O . Note that we could not have created just a single Boolean variable
because we have three states: the square is an X ,itisan O , and it is empty. The isCharacter
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