Java Reference
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Note that the Address class is a nested static class inside the Person class. The reason
is that the address field applies only to people. We use a standard trick to generate the IDs
of the people. We created a static variable that holds the next available ID. This variable
is initially zero. Every time a new person is created, the current value of the variable is
assigned for the ID and then the static variable is incremented by one.
Below is the code for the Customer class.
public class Customer extends Person {
private ArrayList < BankAccount > accounts = new ArrayList <> () ;
public Customer(String name, Person.Address address , long phoneNumber
) {
super (name , address , phoneNumber) ;
} public void addBankAccount(BankAccount account )
accounts .add(account) ;
} public String toString() {
return "Customer: " + super . toString()+ " Accounts: " +accounts ;
A customer can have multiple bank accounts. Therefore, we associated an ArrayList of
bank accounts with every customer. Note that the Person class inherits from the interface
Serializable because it inherits from the Person class and the Person class inherits from
the interface Serializable . Next, we show the code for the Employee class.
public class Employee extends Person {
private double salary ;
public Employee(String name, Person.Address address , long phoneNumber
, double salary) {
super (name , address , phoneNumber) ;
this . salary = salary ;
} public String toString() {
return "Employee: " + super . toString()+ " salary: " +salary ;
Similar to the Customer class, the Employee class inherits from the interface
Serializable because inheritance is transitive. It remains to show the code for the
BankAccount and Transaction classes.
public class BankAccount implements Serializable
private static long accountCounter = 0;
private long accountNumber ;
private double balance ;
private ArrayList < Transaction > transactions = new ArrayList <> () ;
private Customer customer ;
public BankAccount(Customer customer ) {
this .customer = customer;
accountNumber = accountCounter ;
} public BankAccount( double initialDeposit , Customer customer) {
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