Java Reference
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FileInputStream fileIn = new FileInputStream( "bank.ser" );
ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream( fileIn ) ;
people = (ArrayList < Person > )in.readObject();
in . close () ;
for (Person p: people) {
System. out . println (p) ;
The code first creates two customers and one employee and adds them to an ArrayList
of people. Of course, both the Customer and Employee classes inherit from the Person
class. The constructor of the Person class takes as input the name, address, and phone
number of the person. The constructor of the Employee class takes, in addition, the salary
of the employee. Note that since the phone number of a person is saved as a long ,the
letter L is used at the end of the number. The Address class is a static nested class of the
Person class. We defined it as a static nested class because the Address class relates to the
Person class. It is not an inner class because there can be multiple people associated with
the same address. The constructor of the Address class takes as input the street number,
street name, city name, state, and zip code. Next, the code creates two bank accounts: one
for Bob and one for Ann. Note that a customer can have multiple accounts. The constructor
of the BankAccount class takes as input the amount of initial deposit and a reference to the
The reading and writing to/from a file happens in the second part of the code. In order to
write binary data to a file, an instance of the FileOutputStream class needs to be created.
The constructor of the class takes as input the name of the file where the data is to be
written. If the file could not be opened, then an exception is raised. The FileOutputStream
class allows only binary data (i.e., an array of bytes) to be written to the file. If we want
to write objects to the file, then we need to create an object of type ObjectOutputStream
from the FileOutputStream object. The writeObject method can be used to write objects
to a file. The above code creates the file bank.ser .Weusedthe ser file extension because
this is a common extension for serialized data.
The writeObject method can only write objects that belong to a class that
implements the interface Serializable . The interface contains no methods. The
writeObject method is very powerful because it serializes not only the specified ob-
ject, but also its internal objects that implement the interface Serializable .The
serialization works even in the presence of cyclic references.
In our example, we only store the ArrayList of people. Since a customer is a person
and a customer can have several bank accounts, all objects of type BankAccount are also
stored. A bank account can contain several transactions and every transaction references a
bank account. In other words, there is a circular reference between the BankAccount and
Transaction classes. However, every object of each of the two classes is stored only once.
The writeObject method is smart enough to determine that an object is already stored
and it does not need to be stored again. However, all objects that are stored must implement
the interface Serializable .
In order to make sure that we have written the data correctly, our application opens the
file a second time and prints to the screen all the data in the file. Reading objects from a
file is similar to writing objects to a file. The only difference is that a FileInputStream and
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