Java Reference
In-Depth Information
10.6 Syntax
A new timer is created. The o object must
belong to a class that implements the interface ActionListener . The statement
o.actionPerformed() will be executed every 20 milliseconds.
Timer t = new Timer(20, o);
￿ t.start();
Starts the timer.
Stops the timer.
￿ C1.C2 o = new C1.C2();
Creates a new o object that belongs to the static nested
C2 class, which is inside the C1 class.
￿ C2()
Creates a new object that belongs to the inner C2 class inside the C1
class. The o object must belong to the C1 class and is the outer object for the newly
created object.
Calls the m method that belongs to the outer C1 class. The call is
only valid from an inner class (i.e., non-static nested class).
￿ o = new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
}} ;
Creates a new object that belongs to an anonymous X class. The X class must
implement the interface ActionListener and therefore override the actionPerformed
method. The body of the X class is specified between the inner pair of braces.
panel.addKeyListener(new KeyAdapter()
Creates and registers a new
key listener. The KeyAdapter class implements the interface KeyListener with empty
body for the keyPressed , keyReleased ,and keyTyped methods.
￿ panel.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
Creates and registers a
new mouse listener. The MouseAdapter class implements the MouseListener interface
with empty body for the mouseClicked , mouseEntered , mouseExited , mousePressed ,
and mouseReleased methods.
} );
and registers a new mouse motion listener. The MouseMotionAdapter class imple-
ments the MouseMotionListener interface with empty body for the mouseMoved and
mouseDragged methods.
panel.addMouseMotionListener(new MouseMotionAdapter()
￿ e.getX()
Gets the x coordinate. Can be called inside any mouse listener or mouse
motion listener method. The coordinate is relative to the top left corner of the event
source (e.g., window or panel).
Gets the y coordinate. Can be called inside any mouse listener or mouse
motion listener method. The coordinate is relative to the top left corner of the event
source (window or panel).
￿ e.getPoint()
Returns the point of where the cursor is currently. Can be called in-
side any mouse listener or mouse motion listener method. The coordinates are relative
to the top left corner of the event source (e.g., window or panel).
￿ e.getButton()
Returns the mouse button on which the event e occurred (1 is
the left button, 2 is the middle, 3 is the right button). Can be called in the following
mouse listener methods: mouseClicked , mousePressed ,and mouseReleased .
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