Java Reference
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public MyFrame ( )
JMenuBar bar = new JMenuBar ( ) ;
setJMenuBar(bar ) ;
JMenu color = new JMenu( "Color" );
bar .add( color ) ;
JMenuItem green = new JMenuItem( "Green" );
JMenuItem red = new JMenuItem( "Red" );
JMenuItem blue = new JMenuItem( "Blue" );
color .add(green) ;
color .add(red);
color .add(blue) ;
} Since the menu is part of Swing, we need to use J in front of all the class names. Note
that since a window can have at most one JMenuBar , we need to use the setJMenuBar
method to add the menu bar to the window. Every menu and menu item has a name, which
is specified in the constructor of the class. The menus are added to the menu bar and the
menu items are added to the menus.
The life of a menu item is relatively simple. The only thing that can happen is that it
is pressed. Therefore, it only needs to notify the actionPerformed method that belongs to
the interface ActionListener . We will add a variable color to the MyPanel class. Since
the variable will be private, we will also add a setter method for it. We will then add action
listeners to the three menu items that simply call this setter method in order to change the
drawing color for the panel. Here is the rewritten code.
import java .awt . ;
import java .awt. event . ;
import java .awt.geom. ;
import java . util . ;
import javax . swing . ;
public class DrawingGame {
public static void main(String [] args)
MyFrame f = new MyFrame ( ) ;
f . setVisible( true );
class MyFrame extends JFrame
MyPanel p ;
public MyFrame ( ) {
setSize (300 , 300) ;
p= new MyPanel () ;
add(p) ;
JMenuBar bar = new JMenuBar ( ) ;
setJMenuBar(bar ) ;
JMenu color = new JMenu( "Color" );
bar .add( color ) ;
JMenuItem green = new JMenuItem( "Green" );
JMenuItem red = new JMenuItem( "Red" );
JMenuItem blue = new JMenuItem( "Blue" );
color .add(green) ;
color .add(red);
color .add(blue) ;
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