Java Reference
In-Depth Information
super . paintComponent(g) ;
Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g ;
for (MyShape s
shapes )
s . drawShape(g2) ;
class MyShape {
private ArrayList < Point2D > points = new ArrayList <> () ;
public MyShape ( ) {
} public MyShape( Point2D point )
points .add(point) ;
public void addPoint(Point2D point )
points .add(point) ;
public void drawShape(Graphics2D g)
g. setPaint(Color .RED) ;
if (points.size() == 0) {
return ;
Point2D start = points .get(0) ;
for (Point2D end : points ) {
g.draw( new Line2D.Double(start , end)) ;
start = end;
Of course, this program must be put in a file with the name .Re-
member that we must have a single class of type public in every Java file that matches the
name of the file.
10.3.3 Menu Listeners
Drawing using the red color is nice. However, what if we want to create a multi-colored
drawing? We will show how to do this next. We will allow the user to select the color of his
or her drawing using a menu.
Every window can have at most one menu bar. The menu bar can have one
or more menus. Every menu can have several menu items. An event listener
of type ActionListener can be registered with every menu item. The method
actionPerformed of the listener will be called when the menu item is selected.
Creating a menu is pretty straightforward. Here is the code to add a menu to the drawing
class MyFrame extends JFrame
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