Java Reference
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public Color getRandomColor () {
Color color = new Color (( int )
(Math . random ( )
256) ,
( int )
(Math . random ( )
256) , ( int )
(Math . random ( )
256)) ;
if (getBackground() . equals ( color ))
return Color .RED;
return color ;
public void showMessage( String s , Graphics2D g2) {
Font myFont = new Font( "SansSerif" , Font .BOLD+Font . ITALIC,40) ;
g2. setFont(myFont) ;
g2 . setColor (Color .RED) ;
Rectangle2D textBox = myFont. getStringBounds(s ,
g2 . getFontRenderContext () ) ;
g2. drawString(s , ( int ) (getWidth()/2 textBox . getWidth() / 2) ,
( int ) (getHeight () / 2 textBox . getHeight ())) ;
public void paintComponent(Graphics g)
super . paintComponent(g) ;
Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g ;
if (bricks.size() == 0) {
showMessage( "YOU WIN!" ,g2);
else if (!player . isAlive()) {
showMessage( "GAME OVER!" ,g2);
else {
ball .draw(g2);
paddle .draw(g2) ;
for (Brick brick : bricks)
brick .draw(g2) ;
} player .draw(g2) ;
The BreakoutPanel class creates the ball, paddle, and bricks. In addition, an object of
Player class is created. The Player class displays icons corresponding to the number of
lives that the player has.
Let us next carefully examine the paintComponent method, which is usually the heart
of the panel class. Since this method can be executed multiple times (i.e., every time the
window needs to be repainted), no variable initialization should occur in the method. The
method simply displays the information that is already stored in the instance variables of
the BreakoutPanel class. The method takes as input an object of type Graphics .This
object is the brush that is needed to paint. Without a handle to this brush, we cannot
display anything in the panel. The first line of the method is super.paintComponent(g) .
This line calls the paintComponent method of the superclass of the BreakoutPanel class,
that is, the paintComponent method for the JPanel class. The latter method simply clears
the panel (a.k.a. the drawing canvas) so that the new drawings are not displayed on top
of the old drawings. Next, the line Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g converts our brush
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