Java Reference
In-Depth Information
2. Use extends when inheriting from a class and implements when inheriting from an
3. An abstract method is a method without a body. This method must be overridden in
any non-abstract subclasses with full body.
4. An abstract class is similar to a regular class, but it cannot be instantiated. Conversely,
an interface has no variables other than constants and only abstract methods.
5. Java allows us to inherit from one class and from multiple interfaces.
6. The Object class is the superclass of all classes.
7. o1.m() results in calling exactly one of potentially several methods. The runtime type
of the o1 object is determined. Then Java searches for the m method in this type and
its ancestors in the inheritance hierarchy and executes the first method that it finds.
8. An object can be automatically cast to an object of type of the superclass of the
object. However, one needs an explicit cast to convert an object to an object of one
of the subclasses.
9. We need to implement the Cloneable interface and override the clone method as
public in order to use it. The clone method should also be designed to handle an ex-
ception of type CloneNotSupportedException . When overriding the clone method,
we need to make sure that the inner objects are properly cloned using deep copy.
The default clone method in the Object class only copies the addresses of the inner
objects, that is, it performs shallow copy.
10. It is a good programming practice for the equals and compareTo methods to work
in noncontradictory fashion. In other words, o1.equals(o2) should be true exactly
when o1.compareTo(o2)==0 .
11. We cannot assign weaker access privileges when overriding a method. For example, a
method that overrides a public method must be of type public .
12. All non-constant variables should be defined as private . Methods can be defined as
private ,nomodifier, protected ,or public .
13. Polymorphism does not apply for static , final ,or private methods.
8.17 Exercises
1. Can a subclass inherit the private members of the superclass as private members of
the subclass?
2. Consider the Person class.
class Person {
private String name;
public Person(String name) {
this .name=name;
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