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6.12 Exercises
1. Write a class that is called Complex and that manipulates complex numbers.
The class should have the variables realPart and imaginaryPart ,whichshould
be both of type double .
The class should support the add method. For example, if c1 and c2 are objects
of type Complex ,then c1.add(c2) will return a Complex object that is the sum
of the two objects. The constructed object will have a real part that is the sum
of the real parts of the two objects, and an imaginary part that is the sum of the
imaginary parts of the two objects.
Similarly, write a subtract method. The constructed object will have a real part
that is the difference of the real parts of the two objects, and an imaginary part
that is the difference of the imaginary parts of the two objects.
Write static versions of the add and subtract methods. For example,
Complex.add(c1,c2) will return the result of adding two complex numbers. Note
that now the hidden parameter is gone. Similarly, Complex.subtract(c1,c2)
will return the difference of the two numbers.
Write an empty constructor and a constructor that takes in the real and imagi-
nary part of the number.
Write a toString method that returns the complex number as a String .For
example, it will return 3+2i when the real part is 3 and the imaginary part is 2.
Add an equals method that compares two objects of type Complex for equality.
Create a second class with a main method and use it to test the methods of the
Complex class.
2. Write a class that is called Number . An object of type Number represents an integer
with up to 100 digits. Recall that the type int only supports integers up to roughly
2 31 . To remove this restriction, the Number class will contain the following variable
declaration: short[] digits = new short[100] . In other words, the digits of the
number will be saved in an array. Create an additional Boolean variable to store the
sign of the number (i.e., positive or negative). Add static and non-static methods to
add and subtract numbers and the toString and equals methods as explained in
Exercise 1. The adding and subtracting should be performed similar to the way you
add and subtract numbers on paper. Write a main method that tests the class.
3. Write an Employee class. Every employee has name and age . Include empty and
non-empty constructors. Include meaningful equals and toString methods. Add
a private static variable that keeps track of the number of employees. Create a
public static method that returns the number of created employees. Include a main
method that tests all the features of your class.
4. Write the FuelGauge and Odometer classes. The FuelGauge class keeps track of the
amount of fuel in the car in gallons. It also contains methods for putting fuel in the
car and burning fuel. The Odometer class keeps track of the current mileage of the
car. It has a method for incrementing the car's mileage by one. Every object of type
Odometer should contain an object of type FuelGauge . Every time the mileage on
the Odometer object goes up, the amount of fuel should go down by the appropriate
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