Java Reference
In-Depth Information
dieValue = 3
dieValue =4
numberOfSides = 6
numberOfSides = 6
dieValue = 5
class Die
FIGURE 6.3: The Die class.
Good software practices suggest that we write code that is easily extendable. How-
ever, we should only do that when the complexity of the code is not negatively affected.
For example, it may not be worth adding 1000 lines of code in order to make the code
friendly toward a future feature that will probably be never implemented. However, if
only 10 lines are needed to make the code new-feature-friendly, then the extra effort
may be well worth it. The good programmer knows how to strike a balance between
making the code expendable and keeping it simple.
Note that a static method is invoked on a class and not an object. Therefore, if
the getRandomDieValue method was static , then we could not refer to the variable
numberOfSides in it. The reason is that there are three objects inside the Die class and
every object can have a different value for the variable numberOfSides . Another way to
think about it is that every instance method has an access to a hidden parameter: the ob-
ject on which the method is called. The hidden parameter will tell the getRandomDieValue
method which one of the three variables numberOfSides should be used.
6.6 Non-empty Constructors and the Hidden Parameter this
Two constructors are added to the Die class: an empty constructor and a constructor
that takes as input the number of sides. A default empty constructor is only created if no
constructors are present in the class. In other words, if the empty constructor is missing
from the Die class code, then a default empty constructor that does nothing will not be
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