Java Reference
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￿ a = new int[10];
Allocates in main memory space for 10 integers.
Returns the i th element of the array, where counting starts at 0.
￿ a[i]
￿ a.length
Returns the length of the array.
Creates and populates the array.
int [] a =
A for-each for loop that iterates through the elements of
for(int element: a)
an array of integers.
m(new int[]
Passes an anonymous array of integers to the method.
int[][] a = new int[10][20];
Creates a two-dimensional array of integers with
10 rows and 20 columns.
Refers to the element at row 2 and column 3. Both row and column
counting starts at position 0.
￿ a[0].length
Number of columns in row 0 of the two-dimensional array.
￿ a.length
Number of rows in a two-dimensional array.
￿ int[][] a = {{ 1,2 } , { 2 }} ;
Creates a two-dimensional ragged array. The first
row has the numbers
, while the second row has the number
￿ int[][][] a;
Creates a three-dimensional array.
￿ StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(s)
Creates a new string tokenizer
from the String s .
Returns the number of tokens in the string tokenizer. Space
and new line are used as the default delimiters.
Returns true if there are more tokens.
Returns the next token as a String .
public static void m(int ... a)
The signature of a method that takes as input
a variable number of integers. In the method, the variable a is used as though an array
was passed to the method. An array of integers can also be passed to the method.
The variable args is the array of
public static void main(String[] args)
strings that is passed as input to the program.
￿ int[] b = Arrray.copyOf(a,a.length);
Makes a deep copy of the a array and
saves it in the b array.
￿ Arrays.equals(a,b);
Returns true if the two arrays have the same size and
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