Java Reference
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return true ;
Comparing the content of two arrays and not only their location is referred to as deep
comparison .
Comparing two arrays using the “==” operator is wrong. This will only tell us if
the arrays have the same location. In order to compare the content of two arrays, we
need to use a for loop that performs deep comparison of the arrays.
Since deep array comparison is such a common operation, there is a method that per-
forms it for us. Here is an example of how the method works.
import java . util . ;
public class Test {
public static void main(String [] args) {
int [] a = { 2,4,6,8,10 } ;
int [] b = { 2,4,6,8,10 } ;
System. out . println (Arrays . equals (a , b) ) ;
The Arrays.equals method uses a for loop that iterates through the two arrays. It
returns true exactly when the two arrays have the same number of elements and all the
corresponding pairs of elements in the two arrays are equal.
5.2 The Trading Game Revisited
Let us use our newly acquired knowledge of arrays and refactor the trading game from
the previous chapter. Now, we will allow the trader to buy or sell multiple products. Consider
the following declaration.
class TradingGame {
static final int ITEM COUNT = 2 ;
static final String [] item = new String []
{ "apples" , "pears" }
static double price [] = new double [ITEMCOUNT ] ;
static int inventory [] = new i n t [ITEMCOUNT ] ;
Now the products, their price, and the available inventory are all defined using an array.
This allows us to quickly introduce more items, if needed, by only changing the variables
ITEM COUNT and item .
The new code for the main method follows.
import java . text . ;
import java . util . ;
public class TradingGameArrays {
static final int NUMBER OF DAYS = 1 0 ;
static final double BASE PRICE = 10;
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