Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
Lock Layer
When you work on an image, it is good practice to work on several layers separating
the different elements of the image. This helps because if there are changes to be
made, you can make those changes in the areas that you need to without affect-
ing the other elements of the image that were placed on a different layer. Once you
choose to lock a layer by clicking on Lock layer, as shown in the following screen-
shot, only the elements or the areas covered in that layer will be affected by the
changes. For instance, if you were to separate line art and colors into different lay-
ers, and you decide to change the color of your line art, simply select that layer and
lock it by clicking on the icon on the lower right-hand side corner of that layer. Now,
you can change the color of the line art without affecting the areas around it. If you
were to use color outside your line art, it would not show on your canvas because
only the areas that were already drawn would change.
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