Geography Reference
In-Depth Information
If People Were Dolphins, the Planet Would Be Called
Alone, alone, all, all, alone;
Alone on a wide, wide sea.
—Samuel Taylor Coleridge
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
There is, one knows not what sweet mystery about this sea, whose gently awful stirrings seem to speak of
some hidden soul beneath.
—Herman Melville
And then, as never on land, he knows the truth that his world is a water world, a planet dominated by its
covering mantle of ocean, in which the continents are but transient intrusions of land above the surface of
the all-encircling sea.
—Rachel Carson
The Sea Around Us
How Many Oceans Are There?
What Is the Difference Between an Ocean and a Sea? And Are There Only “Seven”
The World's Principal Seas
NAMES: Yellow Sea, Red Sea, Black Sea: Are They Truly Yellow, Red, and Black?
Who Killed the Dead Sea?
Where Is the World's Largest Lake?
The World's Largest Lakes
Where Does All the Water Go at Low Tide?
What Do Tides Have to Do with Tidal Waves?
What Is the Ring of Fire?
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