Geography Reference
In-Depth Information
Elephants in the Alps
Although we are mere sojourners on the surface of the planet, chained to a mere point in space, enduring
but for a moment of time, the human mind is not only enabled to number worlds beyond the unassisted ken
of mortal eye, but to trace the events of indefinite Ages before the creation of our race.
—Sir Charles Lyell
Principles of Geology
And so had we been present where the forest meets the savanna one morning five million years ago, we
would have caught a glimpse of our ancestors. Still in shadow, they stood peering anxiously across the bright
panorama. It would have been easy at a distance to mistake them for a family of chimpanzees. Except that as
they started forward through the grass, they kept erect. Each of the adults held a pointed stick in one hand.
All of history was there that morning—all that we were to become and still might be.
—Marvin Harris
Our Kind
Are We All “Out of Africa”?
Where Was the World's First City?
Did Moses Part the Red Sea?
Imaginary Places: Was There a Troy?
What Were the Seven Wonders of Antiquity?
Was Cleopatra Black?
Milestones in Geography V: 1900-1949
Why Did Hannibal Take Elephants Across the Alps, and Did Napoleon Know How
Far It Was to Moscow?
World Battlefields That Shaped History
Country, Nation, Republic, State: A Geopolitical Primer
Afghanistan to Zimbabwe: How Many Nations Are There in the World?
Where Is the Third World?
NAMES: Changing Names in the Twentieth Century
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