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Appendix 3
Questions for student investigation and discussion
Multiple-choice questions for student discussion
1 a b c bc ca ab is true:
A. always; B. sometimes; C. never.
2 If ( a
) a , must (( a
)/ n ) a ?A.Yes B.No
If (( a
)/ n ) a , must ( a
) a ?A.Yes B.No
3 The sequence ( a
) is bounded. Which of the following propositions
are suMcient to guarantee its convergence?
(i) ( a
) 0;
(ii) ( a
) is positive and bounded below;
(iii) ( a
) is bounded above and increasing;
(iv) for all n , a a
(v) noneof theabov.
4 Between two rationals there is an irrational. Between two
irrationals threis a rational. So therationals and theirrationals
alternate on the line.
A. This is a valid argument.
B. The result is true but the argument is invalid.
C. The result is false.
5 Trueor fals?
Whatever the values of a or b , thest [ a , b ] Q contains its own
supremum and infimum.
Whatever the values of a or b , thest ( a , b ) Q never contains its
own supremum or infimum.
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