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8 Show that, for thefunctions of qn 2,
( x ) f ( x ) 1/ n for all x in thedomain.
9 For thefunctions of qn 3, find valus of x for which
( x ) f ( x )
10 For thefunctions of qn 4, find valus of x for which
ยท f
( x ) f ( x ) 0.99.
11 For thefunctions of qn 5, find valus for x for which
f ( x )
( x )
Oneway of distinguishing between the cases in qns 1 and 2 on the
onehand and qns 3, 4 and 5 on theothr is to imaginethegraph of
thepointwiselimit functions f as an arm onto which sleeves of various
diameters are pulled. In qns 1 and 2, however narrow the sleeves get
the sequence of functions is eventually wholly within them. But in qns
3, 4 and 5 there are sleeves which the functions in the sequence never
get wholly inside.
12 For thefunctions in qn 3, find
f ( x )
: x R
( x )
13 For thefunctions in qn 4, find
sup f
( x ) f ( x ) : x [0, 1] .
14 For thefunctions in qn 5, find
sup f
( x ) f ( x ) : x [0, ) .
Uniform convergence
When a sequence of functions, ( f
), with each f
: A R, has a
pointwiselimit function f : A R
, and, for any
0, thegraphs of the
functions f
are eventually inside a sleeve of radius about thegraph of
thelimit function f , then, for suMciently large n ,
f ( x ) f
( x ) f ( x ) for all values of x .
In this case we say that the sequence ( f
) converges uniformly to f .
[Think of a largefixed n , and check on the sleeve property by letting x
vary right across thedomain.]
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