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10 Give examples of monotonic functions f and g which areboth
continuous on [ a , b ], for which theequation
( f g )
would fail if the integral were always to denote the positive value of
the area between the graph and the x -axis.
A further distinction between the notion of integral and the
measurement of area under a graph seems natural when we recognise
that the argument of qn 7, as modified before qn 10, does not depend
on thecontinuity of thefunction f . An area must have a boundary, and
in order to give boundaries to the areas under discussion in qn 7, the
function f was taken to be continuous. The graph of a discontinuous
function may have gaps in it and so does not bound an area. But the
limiting arguments of qn 7 as modified before qn 10 hold for a
monotonic function f even if f is discontinuous at many points of the
interval [ a , b ]. So such a function can havea well-defined integral.
11 ( Dirichlet , 1829) If even discontinuous functions can have integrals,
are there any functions which cannot? Find the area of the smallest
circumscribed rectangle and the largest inscribed rectangle for the
area bounded by x
0, the x -axis, x
1 and the function defined
when x is rational,
when x is irrational;
f ( x )
on theintrval [0, 1].
As we search for a definition of
f , wewill limit our attention to
functions which are bounded, so that they may be covered above and
below, by rectangles, and we seek a definition with the following two
properties which we retain from our experience of finding areas with
curved boundaries using inscribed and circumscribed polygons:
(i) if m f ( x ) M on [ a , b ], then m ( b a )
f M ( b a );
f , when these integrals exist.
Step functions
In qns 12 15, weconstruct a family of functions, called step
functions , with convenient, and obvious, integrals, which we define in qn
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