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Inverses of continuous functions
22 If f :[ a , b ]
is a continuous and one onefunction with
f ( a ) f ( b ), provethat f is strictly monotonic increasing.
Deduce that the range of f is [ f ( a ), f ( b )].
What is theanalogous rsult if f ( a ) f ( b )?
23 If f :[ a , b ] R is strictly monotonic, must f be
(i) one one;
(ii) invertible;
(iii) continuous?
24 If f :[ a , b ]
is continuous and invertible (see qn 6.6) must f be
strictly monotonic?
25 Supposethat f :[ a , b ] R is a continuous and strictly monotonic
(i) How do you know that therangeof f is a closed interval
[ c , d ], say?
(ii) How do you know that f has an inverse function
g :[ c , d ]
[ a , b ]?
(iii) How do you know that g must bestrictly monotonic?
(iv) Let x beany point in thedomain of f and let y f ( x ), so that
a x b and c y d .
How do you know that lim
g ( t ) and lim
g ( t ) exist?
(v) Let ( x
) x be an increasing sequence in [ a , b ] and let ( s
) x
be a decreasing sequence in [ a , b ]. Why must ( f ( x
)) f ( x )
f ( x ), and of these two sequences why must one
be increasing and one decreasing?
(vi) Deduce that there is a sequence ( t
and ( f ( s
y from below and one
tending to y from abovefor each of which ( g ( t
)) g ( y ).
(vii) Why does this establish that g is continuous at y ?
Wehavenow proved that a function which is continuous and strictly
monotonicon an interval has a continuous inverse.The use of completeness
in qn 25 is unavoidable. Consider f : Q Q given by f ( x ) x when x 2
and f ( x )
x . An example of a one onecontinuous
function Q Q, whose inverse is discontinuous everywhere, is given in the
topic by Dieudonne´ cited in the bibliography.
1 when
26 Does the function f : R R defined by f ( x ) x have an inverse? Find a
maximal interval A R, with 1 A for which thefunction f : A R
defined by f ( x ) x is monotonic. With this A , is thefunction f : A A
a bijection? Is the function f
: A A continuous? How is it usually
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