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(iv) f ( x )
log x ,
(vi) f ( x ) ( x 4)/( x 2) (beware of x 2).
1/ x , (v) f ( x )
It is sometimes convenient to denote the range of the function
f : A R by f ( A ) and to say that f maps A to f ( A ).
Although, for every function, f , x y f ( x ) f ( y ), it is only
sometimes the case that f ( x ) f ( y ) x y . When this second
implication holds, thefunction f is said to be one - to - one or one—one , and
is called an injection .
Which of the functions given in questions 2 and 3 are one one?
Bijections and inverse functions
If a function f : A B , with domain A and co-domain B , is both
one one and onto, not only is each element a A matched with a
unique element f ( a ) B , which is, of course, true for any function f , but
also, for each element b B , there is a unique element a A such that
f ( a )
b . A function which is both one oneand onto is called a
bijection . Such a function has an inverse g : B A , defined by
g ( f ( a ))
a . When this is the case, we will write g f
For each of the functions described in qns 2 and 3, identify
appropriatesubsts A , B R, such that f : A B is a bijection.
Thepoints on thegraph of a real function f havetheform ( x , f ( x )).
If f : A B is a bijction, why do thepoints on thegraph of f
havetheform ( f ( x ), x )? Sketch the graph of the function f given by
f ( x ) x for positive x and sketch the graph of its inverse function
f ( x ) x . Also sketch the graph of exp (the function E in
chapter 11) and its inverse, log.
qns 1, 2,
3, 4,5
If a set A and a set B are given, then a function
f : A B is a pairing of each element of A with
an element of B . Thest A is called the domain
of thefunction. Thest B is called the co - domain
of the function. The element of B which is
paired with a A is denoted by f ( a ). Thest
f ( a ) a A B is called the range of the
function. When the range of a function is the
wholeof its co-domain, thefunction is said to
be onto its co-domain and is called a surjection .
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