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The method used in qn 84 applies quite generally and provides a more
illuminating way of describing lim sup a
and lim inf a
. This description
enables us to prove, for example, that a sequence ( a
) is convergent if
and only if lim sup a
In the absence of completeness, a bounded sequence need not have
any convergent subsequences (take the infinite decimal sequence of 2
for example) and therefore neither lim sup nor lim inf may be defined.
lim inf a
The completeness principle
Every infinite decimal sequence is convergent.
Definition The limit of every infinite decimal sequence is a
real number
qns 34, 35
Every bounded monotonic sequence is
qn 36
The sequence with n th term (1 1/ n ) is
convergent with limit (e) between 2 and 3.
qn 40
Every positive real number has a unique n th
Every bounded sequence has a convergent
Definition A sequence ( a
qn 46
) is said to satisfy the Cauchy
criterion , when, given
0, there exists an N ,
such that n N a
, for all
positive integers k .
Definition A sequence satisfying the Cauchy criterion is
called a Cauchy sequence .
The General Principle of Convergence
qns 55 57 A sequence is convergent if and only if it is a
Cauchy sequence.
Definition An upper bound for a set A of real numbers is
called a least upper bound, when no lesser
number is an upper bound for the set. The least
upper bound of A is denoted by sup A .
qn 80
Every non-empty set of real numbers which is
bounded above has a least upper bound.
Theorem Any oneof thefollowing propositions is
suMcient to imply the completeness principle:
After qn 35
1. Every bounded monotonic sequence is
After qn 46
2. Every bounded sequence has a convergent
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