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Least upper bound (sup)
When (i) u is an upper bound for a set A of real numbers, and (ii)
every v less than u is not an upper bound for A , then and only then, u
is called the least upper bound of A , and denoted by sup A .
Themeanings of the terms 'least upper bound' and 'sup' lie in the
words of this definition, and nowhere else!
If a set of numbers has a greatest member, the greatest member is
the least upper bound of that set.
In qn 60 you proved that 1 is the least upper bound of
x 0 x 1 , and that 3 is the least upper bound of
x 0 x 1, 2 x 3 . A finite set of real numbers and a closed
interval are examples of sets with a greatest member.
In qn 61 you should havefound that 2 is the least upper bound of
. A strictly increasing sequence
and an open interval are examples of sets without a greatest member.
The least upper bound is then a cluster point of the set. This will follow
from qn 64.
1/ n n N
x x
2, x Q
62 If a set A has a least upper bound, sup A , must sup A be a member
of A ? Might sup A be a member of A ?
63 Show that a set A cannot have two different least upper bounds.
64 If a set A has a least upper bound sup A , why must there be an
a A such that (sup A )
sup A , for any positivenumbr
Use this result to construct a strictly increasing sequence of
elements of A within theintrval (sup A
1, sup A ) on the
assumption that sup A A .
65 If u is an upper bound for the set A , and for any positivenumbr
you can find an a A , such that u a u , must u
sup A ?
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