Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 2.31 Use the Set Key function.
Now move the time slider to frame 30. Transform the ball to X=0.0, Y=42.0,
Z=20.0, and press the Set Key button.
Now move the time slider to frame 16. Transform the ball to X=0.0, Y=66.0,
Z=60.0, and press the Set Key button.
Move to frame 100 and transform the ball to X=0.0, Y=180.0, Z=80.0. Press the Set
Key button.
If you play back the animation it looks very strange; it doesn't look like the ball is
really bouncing. This is because 3ds Max is calculating the positions in a linear
manner—from point A to point B in a straight line. It is up to you to add charac-
ter and realism to the scene.
You can play back the current progress of your animation at any time by pressing the Play button
in the Absolute Animation Playback controls.
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