Game Development Reference
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Figure 7.41 Some vertices are not attached to the skeleton properly.
10. Click the plus sign next to Physique in the stack and select Envelope, as
shown in Figure 7.42. Physique controls vertex binding through a means
of envelopes. Each link has an envelope that surrounds it. If a vertex falls
within the link's envelope, it then will be bound to that link.
11. Click on the link of the character's left forearm. The envelope for that
link will appear. All of the vertices that are within the envelope will be
highlighted, as shown in Figure 7.43.
12. Envelopes in 3ds Max have two types of influences over vertices. Any vertex
that falls within the inner envelope is bound completely to the link. Those
vertices that fall in the area between the inner envelope and the outer enve-
lope share influences with any other envelope that might overlap with them.
Both envelopes can be expanded as needed. You can control the expansion
of the envelopes by using the buttons in the Blending Envelopes rollout.
The default is Both, but by clicking on Inner or Outer you can scale the
individual envelopes independently. For this part of the arm, expand both
envelopes using the Scale tool to envelop all the vertices of the forearm, as
shown in Figure 7.44.
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