Game Development Reference
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4. The two halves need to be joined into a single object. Go to the Create tab
in the Side Bar and select Compound Object from the pull-down menu. An
Object Type rollout will appear. Click on Connect, as shown in Figure 6.111.
Figure 6.111 Click on Connect in the Object Type rollout.
5. Click on the Pick Operand button and then click on the unselected object
of the two mirrored objects, as shown in Figure 6.112.
6. Now that you have a single object, you need to weld all of the vertices along
the seam of the two halves. Go back to the Modify tab, collapse the stack,
and make the model an Editable Mesh once more by selecting Editable
Mesh from the Modifier List.
7. From the Front view, select all of the vertices along the seam of the two
halves and weld them together, as shown in Figure 6.113.
8. The model is almost finished. There is just one more thing to do, and that is
to smooth the facets of the model. Change the selection mode to Edges and
select all the edges of the model. From the Modifier List choose Smooth.
Click on Auto Smooth and then change the Threshold to 60, as shown in
Figure 6.114.
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