Game Development Reference
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5. This next part will be a little tricky. You need to rotate the projector into
the right position. Click on the plus sign next to the UVW Mapping line
in the stack to access the mapping gizmo. With the gizmo on, you can
rotate the projection instead of the model.
6. The projection needs to be lined up so the seam (marked in green on the
projection cage) is directly behind the character's head so it will mirror
properly. You also need to rotate the projection so its projection cage line
runs exactly vertical.
7. Click the Fit button on the Alignment rollout.
8. Now the projection needs to be centered on 0 in the X axis.
9. Scale the projection so it is larger than the mapping area, as shown in
Figure 6.99.
10. When you are finished, collapse the stack.
Figure 6.98 Select Multi/Sub-Object from the list.
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