Game Development Reference
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Now the templates are all loaded into 3ds Max, and you are ready to start modeling.
The templates should look like the ones in Figure 6.22.
Figure 6.22 The templates are all loaded into 3ds Max.
Starting the Model
A good way to create models in 3ds Max is to start with a primitive object and
build by modifying the object. You will start this model with just one primitive
object, a box. This is only one of many approaches for building models. There are
almost as many ways to build a model as there are modelers.
In this example, you will only be creating half of the model and then mirroring it
to get the other half.
1. Create a box with the following attributes (see Figure 6.23).
Length: 2.0
Width: 2.0
Height: 2.0
Length Segs: 1
Width Segs: 1
Height Segs: 1
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