HTML and CSS Reference
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M . SelectionListView . design ({
childViews : 'item1 item2 item3 item4' ,
/* renders a selection view like radio buttons */
selectionMode : M . SINGLE_SELECTION ,
item1 : M . SelectionListItemView . design ({
value : 'item1' ,
label : 'Item 1' ,
isSelected : YES
item2 : M . SelectionListItemView . design ({
value : 'item2' ,
label : 'Item 2'
item3 : M . SelectionListItemView . design ({
value : 'item3' ,
label : 'Item 3'
item4 : M . SelectionListItemView . design
value : 'item4' ,
label : 'Item 4'
Figure 3-24. The-M-Project List component
Of course, many other frameworks—SproutCore, Jo, Zepto, LungoJS,
the list goes on—are available. All of these frameworks contain useful
features and building blocks for everyday programming of mobile web
apps. Some even try to create a wrapper or proxy for spec-driven fea‐
tures like Web Storage. But, it seems they all have a gaping hole in terms
of the needs of enterprise developers and a consistent architecture across
device browsers.
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