HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
The-M-Project ( their demo ) is built on top of jQuery and jQuery Mobile. It uses con‐
cepts and parts from SproutCore and bases its persistence handling on persistence.js .
Figure 3-23 gives a snapshot of its community following.
Figure 3-23. The-M-Project github stats; June 2012
Because The-M-Project UI looks exactly like jQuery Mobile, it's hard to tell at first glance
what the big difference is. The project, however, is much more than a shiny UI frame‐
work. It has four core development concepts: MVC, Content Binding, Dynamic Value
Computing, and Event Handling. So unlike the UI-focused Wink Toolkit, The-M-
Project puts most of its focus on the programming model, as you can see in Table 3-6 .
Table 3-6. The-M-Project
Platform support
iOS, Android, WebOS, BlackBerry, Windows Phone
GPLv2 and MIT
Programming model
Relies heavily on MVC pattern; creates view components through JavaScript and addresses
data binding
Wrapped or polyfilled HTML5 APIs
Web Storage (DataProvider for local and remote storage persistence)
A bit of JavaScript handles page setup:
PageSwitchDemo . Page1 =
M . PageView . design ({
childViews : 'header content' ,
header : M . ToolbarView . design ({
value : 'Page 1'
content : M . ScrollView . design ({
childViews : 'button' ,
button : M . ButtonView . design ({
value : 'Goto Page 2' ,
events : {
tap : {
target : PageSwitchDemo . ApplicationController ,
action : 'gotoPage2'
To create the component shown in Figure 3-24 , use:
Search WWH ::

Custom Search