HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
The JavaScript you need is:
function flip ( id ) {
// get a handle on the flippable region
var front = getElement ( 'front' );
var back = getElement ( 'back' );
// again, just a simple way to see what the state is
var classes = front . className . split ( ' ' );
var flipped = classes . indexOf ( 'flipped' );
if ( flipped >= 0 ) {
// already flipped, so return to original
front . className = 'normal' ;
back . className = 'flipped' ;
FLIPPED = false ;
} else {
// do the flip
front . className = 'flipped' ;
back . className = 'normal' ;
FLIPPED = true ;
Finally, here is the relevant CSS:
#back ,
#front {
position : absolute ;
width : 100 % ;
height : 100 % ;
- webkit - backface - visibility : hidden ;
- webkit - transition - duration : .5s ;
- webkit - transform - style : preserve -3 d ;
- moz - backface - visibility : hidden ;
- moz - transform - style : preserve -3 d ;
- moz - transition - duration : .5s ;
.normal {
- webkit - transform : rotateY ( 0 deg );
- moz - transform : rotateY ( 0 deg );
.flipped {
- webkit - user - select : element ;
- webkit - transform : rotateY ( 180 deg );
- moz - transform : rotateY ( 180 deg );
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