HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
A Practical Use Case: Scrolling with Device Movement
The typical business use for the Device Orientation API is to couple orientation hard‐
ware with Geolocation to enhance the user's actual position and direction on a given
map. But, what if you could tilt your device left or right to navigate through pages? A
flick of the wrist gets you to the next page. Or, you could deliver a continuous scrolling
slideshow based on left or right movement. I think you get the point, now let's code it.
If you combine the transition code for sliding from one page to another in Chapter 3
with the Device Orientation API, you can create a slideshow of pages that navigate based
on which direction the device is tilted. You can find a demo of this in action at http:// .
First, set up your CSS transforms for left and right movement:
var handleOrientationEvent = function ( frontToBack , leftToRight , rotateDegrees ) {
//on each movement, we're controlling how the current focusPage moves
var curTransform =
new window . WebKitCSSMatrix ( window .
getComputedStyle ( focusPage ). webkitTransform );
focusPage . innerHTML = leftToRight ;
focusPage . style . webkitTransform =
'translate3d(' + leftToRight * 5 + 'px, 0, 0)' ;
focusPage . style . WebkitTransition = 'all .5s ease-out' ;
navigate ( leftToRight );
Next, perform the navigation on all the defined pages in the DOM with the single page
model from Chapter 3 :
var keepgoing = true , pagehistory = [];
var pagestate = function ( pages , className ) {
var that = {};
that . count = 0 ;
that . pages = pages ;
that . pageCount = pages . length ;
that . className = className ;
return that ;
var allpages = listToArray ( document . querySelectorAll ( '.page' ));
var leftPageState = new pagestate ( allpages , 'page stage-left' );
var rightPageState = new pagestate ( allpages . slice (), 'page stage-right' );
function detecttilt ( leftToRight ) {
if ( keepgoing ) {
if ( leftToRight > 30 ) {
donav ( leftPageState , rightPageState );
} else if ( leftToRight < 30 ) {
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