HTML and CSS Reference
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header . writeUInt32LE ( 36 + samples . length , 4 , true );
header . writeUInt32LE ( samples . length , 40 , true );
var data = new Buffer ( header . length + samples . length );
header . copy ( data );
samples . copy ( data , header . length );
return data ;
function makeSamples ( frequency , duration ) {
var samplespercycle = 44100 / frequency ;
var samples = new Uint16Array ( 44100 * duration );
var da = 2 * Math . PI / samplespercycle ;
for ( var i = 0 , a = 0 ; i < samples . length ; i ++ , a += da ) {
samples [ i ] = Math . floor ( Math . sin ( a / 300000 ) * 32768 );
getSoundBuffer ( new Buffer ( Array . prototype . slice . call ( samples , 0 )));
app . use ( express . static ( __dirname + '/public' ));
app . listen ( 8080 );
var wss = new WebSocketServer ({ server : app , path : '/data' });
var samples = makeSamples ( 20000 , 10 );
wss . on ( 'connection' , function ( ws ) {
ws . on ( 'message' , function ( message ) {
ws . send ( 'pong' );
ws . send ( samples , { binary : true });
Managing Proxies
With new technology comes a new set of problems. In the case of WebSockets, the
challenges relate to compatibility with the proxy servers that mediate HTTP connections
in most company networks. A firewall, proxy server, or switch always is the lynchpin of
an enterprise, and these devices and servers limit the kind of traffic you're allowed to
send to and from the server.
The WebSocket protocol uses the HTTP upgrade system (which is normally used for
HTTPS/SSL) to “upgrade” an HTTP connection to a WebSocket connection. Some
proxy servers are not able to handle this handshake and will drop the connection. So,
even if a given client uses the WebSocket protocol, it may not be possible to establish a
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