Hardware Reference
In-Depth Information
The characteristic properties for this characteristic are notify only, the char‐
acteristic value handle is 0x0027 , and the characteristic value UUID is the
UUID for Heart Rate Measurement ( 0x2A37 ).
Handle 0x0027
This attribute contains the characteristic value (see “Characteristic value at‐
tribute” on page 61 ), in this case the heart rate measurement itself. These are the
characteristic value attribute's fields:
The same UUID present in the last two bytes of the characteristic definition's
attribute value.
This attribute's value is neither readable nor writable: a client can obtain its
value only through notifications sent by the server.
The actual heart rate measurement (fictitiously represented in beats per minute
for clarity).
Handle 0x0028
This attribute contains a CCCD (a key descriptor described in “Client Characteristic
Configuration Descriptor” on page 62 ). These are the CCCD attribute's fields:
The UUID for any CCCD is always the standard 16-bit UUID CCCD ( 0x2902 ).
A CCCD must always be readable and writable. The security level required to
execute these operations is defined by the profile or application.
As already established, the CCCD's value is a bitfield, in this case 0x0001 , de‐
noting that notifications are enabled for this particular HRM characteristic.
Handle 0x002A
This attribute contains another characteristic declaration (see “Characteristic dec‐
laration attribute” on page 59 ), this time for Body Sensor Location characteristic.
These are the characteristic declaration attribute's fields:
The UUID is the standard 16-bit UUID for a characteristic declaration,
UUID characteristic ( 0x2803 ).
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