Java Reference
In-Depth Information
You can query the object that is returned for information about the capabilities of the printer and the kinds of
documents it can print but we won't divert down that track for the moment. One point you should keep in
mind is that sometimes there may not be a printer available on the machine on which your code is running.
In this case the getPrintService() method will return null , so it's a good idea to call the method and
test the reference returned, even if you don't want to obtain details of the printer.
If there are multiple print services available, such as several printers or perhaps a fax capability, you
can obtain an array of PrintService references for them by calling the static
lookupPrintServices() method in the PrinterJob class. For example:
PrintServices[] printers = PrinterJob.lookupPrintServices();
The printers array will have one element for each print service that is available. If there are no print
services available, the array will have zero length. If you want to select a specific printer for the
PrinterJob object to work with, you just pass the array element corresponding to the print service of
your choice to the setPrintService() method for the PrinterJob object. For example:
The if statement checks that there are some print services before we attempt to set the print service. Without
this we could get an IndexOutOfBoundsException exception if the printers array has no elements.
Displaying a Print Dialog
When you want to provide the user with control over the printing process, you can display a print
dialog by calling the printDialog() method. This displays the modal dialog that applies to your
particular print facility. There are two versions of the printDialog() method for a PrinterJob
object. The version without arguments will display the native dialog if the PrinterJob object is
printing on a native printer, so we'll look at that first, and return to the other version later.
If the dialog is closed using the button that indicates printing should proceed, the printDialog()
method will return true , otherwise it will return false . The method will throw an exception of type
HeadlessException if there is no display attached to the system. Thus to initiate printing you can
call the printDialog() method and, if it returns true , call the print() method for the
PrinterJob object. Note that the print() method will throw an exception of type
PrinterException if an error in the printing system causes the operation to be aborted.
Of course, the PrinterJob object can have no prior knowledge of what you want to print so you have
to call a method to tell the PrinterJob object where the printed pages are coming from before you
initiate printing. The simplest way to do this is to call the setPrintable() method, and pass a
reference to an object of a class that implements the Printable interface as the argument.
In Sketcher, the obvious candidate to print a sketch is the SketchView object (a reference to which is
stored in the view member of the application object). Thus we could allow sketches to be printed by
making the SketchView class implement the Printable interface. That done, we could then set the
source of the printed output just by passing a reference to the view to the setPrintable() method
for a PrinterJob object. You might consider the SketchModel object to be a candidate to do the
printing, but printing is not really related to a sketch, any more than plotting or displaying on the screen
is. The model is the input to the printing process, not the owner of it. It is generally better to keep the
model dedicated to encapsulating the data that represents the sketch.
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