Java Reference
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This should be very easy to follow now. We read the data we wrote to the stream - the Vector of
Float objects. The first segment is always a move to the origin. All the succeeding segments are lines
specified by pairs of elements from the Vector . The floatValue() method for the Float objects
that are stored in the Vector object returns the numerical coordinate values. We use these to create the
line segments.
Serializing Text
Element.Text is the last element type we have to deal with. Fortunately, Font , String , and
java.awt.Rectangle objects are all serializable already, which means that Element.Text is
serializable by default and we have nothing further to do. We can now start implementing the listener
operations for the Fi le menu.
Supporting the File Menu
To support the menu items in the F ile menu, we must add some code to the actionPerformed() method
in the FileAction class. We can try to put a skeleton together but a problem presents itself immediately:
the ultimate source of an event will be either a toolbar button (a JButton object) or a menu item (a
JMenuItem object) that was created from a FileAction object. How do we figure out what the action was
that originated the event? We only have one definition of the actionPerformed() method shared
amongst all FileAction class objects so we need a way to determine which particular FileAction object
caused the event. That way we can decide what we should do in response to the event.
Each FileAction object stores a String that was passed to the constructor as the name argument, and
was then passed on to the base class constructor. If only we had thought of saving it, we could compare the
name for the current object with the name for each of the FileAction objects in the SketchFrame class.
Then we could tell which object the actionPerformed() method was called for.
All is not lost though. We can call the getValue() method for the ActionEvent object to retrieve
the name for the action object that caused the event. We can then compare that with the name for each
of the FileAction objects that we store as members of the SketchFrame class. We can therefore
implement the actionPerformed() member of the FileAction class like this:
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
String name = (String)getValue(NAME);
if(name.equals(saveAction.getValue(NAME))) {
// Code to handle file Save operation...
} else if(name.equals(saveAsAction.getValue(NAME))) {
// Code to handle file Save As operation...
} else if(name.equals(openAction.getValue(NAME))) {
// Code to handle file Open operation...
} else if(name.equals(newAction.getValue(NAME))) {
// Code to handle file New operation...
} if(name.equals(printAction.getValue(NAME))) {
// Code to handle Print operation..
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