Java Reference
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Subclasses of Element will inherit the implementation of the Serializable interface but there is a
tiny snag. At the time of writing, none of the Shape classes in the java.awt.geom package are
serializable, and we have been using them all over the place.
We are not completely scuppered though. Remember that you can always implement the
readObject() and writeObject() methods in a class and then implement your own serialization.
We can take the data that we need to recreate the required Shape object and serialize that in our
implementation of the writeObject() method. We will then be able to reconstruct the object from
the data in the readObject() method. Let's start with our Element.Line class.
Serializing Lines
Just to remind you of one of the things we discussed back in the I/O chapters, the writeObject()
method that serializes objects must have the form:
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException {
// Code to serialize the object...
Our Element.Line objects are always drawn from (0, 0) so there's no sense in saving the start point in
a line - it's always the same. We just need to serialize the end point, so add the following to the
Element.Line class:
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException {
We don't need to worry about exceptions that might be thrown by the writeDouble() method at this
point. These will be passed on to the method that calls writeObject() . The coordinates are public
members of the Line2D.Double object so we can reference them directly to write them to the stream.
The rest of the data relating to a line is stored in the base class, Element , and as we said earlier they
are all taken care of. The base class members will be serialized automatically when an Element.Line
object is written to a file. We just need the means to read it back.
To recap what you already know, the readObject() method to deserialize an object is also of a
standard form:
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in)
throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
// Code to deserialize an object...
For the Line class, the implementation will read the coordinates of the end point of the line and
reconstitute line - the Line2D.Double member of the class. Adding the following method to the
Element.Line class will do that:
private void readObject( in)
throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
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