Java Reference
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It looks like a lot of code but it's repetitive as we have two radio buttons. The second argument to the
JRadioButton constructor sets the state of the button. If the existing style of the current font is BOLD
and/or ITALIC , the initial states of the buttons will be set accordingly. We add a listener of type
StyleListener for each button and we will add this as an inner class to FontDialog in a moment. Note
that we pass the style constant that corresponds to the set state of the button to the constructor for the listener.
The stylePane object presents the buttons using the default FlowLayout manager, and this pane is added
as the last row to dataPane . The final step is to add the dataPane object as the central pane in the content
pane for the dialog. The call to pack() lays out the dialog components with their preferred sizes if possible,
and the setVisible() call with the argument false means that the dialog is initially hidden. Since this is
a complex dialog we won't want to create a new object each time we want to display the font dialog. We will
just call the setVisible() method for the dialog object with the argument true .
Listening for Radio Buttons
The inner class, StyleListener , in the FontDialog class will work on principles that you have seen
before. A radio button (or a checkbox) generates ItemEvent events and the listener class must
implement the ItemListener interface:
class StyleListener implements ItemListener {
public StyleListener(int style) { = style;
public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) {
if(e.getStateChange()==ItemEvent.SELECTED) // If style was selected
fontStyle |= style; // turn it on in the font style
fontStyle &= ~style; // otherwise turn it off
font = font.deriveFont(fontStyle); // Get a new font
fontDisplay.setFont(font); // Change the label font
fontDisplay.repaint(); // repaint
private int style; // Style for this listener
The constructor accepts an argument that is the style for the button, so the value of the member, style ,
will be the value we want to set in the fontStyle member that we use to create a new Font object,-
either Font.BOLD or Font.ITALIC . Since the listener for a particular button already contains the
corresponding style, the itemStateChanged() method that is called when an item event occurs just
switches the value of style in the fontStyle member of FontDialog either on or off, dependent
on whether the radio button was selected or deselected. It then derives a font with the new style, sets it
in the fontDisplay label and repaints it.
We have now completed the FontDialog class. If you have been creating the code yourself, now
would be a good time to try compiling the class. All we need now is some code in the SketchFrame
class to make use of it.
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