Java Reference
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We will need to import JOptionPane from javax.swing into so add the import:
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
We only want to do something here if it was mouse button 1 that was clicked and the current element
type is TEXT . In this case we save the cursor position and pop a dialog to permit the text string to be
entered. If there was one that is not an empty string, we go ahead and create a text element and add it
to the sketch model.
We still have to add the code for creating a text element. The tricky part is figuring out what the
rectangle bounding the text is. The Font class defines a getStringBounds() method that returns a
rectangle bounding a string in a given context in which the string is drawn. Unfortunately, as the
documentation for this method says, it does not always return a rectangle enclosing all of the text. To
get a rectangle that completely encloses the text in every case we must create a TextLayout object for
the text and call its getBounds() method.
This TextLayout class is defined in the java.awt.font package so we will need an import
statement for that in the file:
import java.awt.font.TextLayout;
A TextLayout object encapsulates the graphical representation of a given text string on a particular
graphics device so, as well as the text and the font, a TextLayout class constructor needs information
on the dimensions of the font in the context of the graphical device. The FontRenderContext class in
the java.awt.font package defines an object encapsulating the information necessary to display text
in a given graphics context. You can obtain a FontRenderContext object from a Graphics2D
object, g2D , like this:
FontRenderContext frc = g2D.getFontRenderContext();
All we need now is a Graphics2D object. We can get that using the getGraphics() method that our
SketchView object inherits from the JComponent class:
Graphics2D g2D = (Graphics2D)getGraphics();
We have all the pieces we need to create the bounding rectangle for the text, and hence the
Element.Text object. Here's the code that goes in the if statement that will create the text element
and add it to the model:
if(text != null) { // If we have text
// create the element
g2D = (Graphics2D)getGraphics();
Font font = theApp.getWindow().getCurrentFont();
tempElement = new Element.Text(
font, // The font
text, // The text
start, // Position of the text
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